La Machina Grande par i Duchi del Nord

La Machina Grande par i Duchi del Nord

This captivating glass painting offers a unique perspective of Venice’s iconic Piazza San Marco, as seen from the vantage point of San Giorgio. The scene is set against the backdrop of a grand celebration, with a magnificent floating carousel drifting gracefully on the shimmering waters of the lagoon, a spectacle specially created for the visiting dukes from the North.

From this elevated view, the splendor of Venice unfolds in all its glory. The majestic Palazzo Ducale, with its intricate Gothic arches, dominates the scene on the left, its pink and white marble facade glowing softly in the afternoon light. To the right, the twin columns of San Marco and San Teodoro stand tall, framing the entrance to the square and symbolizing the city’s rich history and power.

In the distance, the Torre dell’Orologio rises above the rooftops, its blue and gold clock face catching the eye, a timeless sentinel over the bustling piazza below. The gentle waves of the lagoon reflect the vibrant colors of the carousel, whose ornate details and spinning movement bring an element of whimsy and festivity to the serene Venetian landscape.

This glass painting beautifully captures the essence of Venice as a city of both grandeur and enchantment. The floating carousel, a symbol of opulence and celebration, contrasts with the timeless architecture, creating a scene that is both dreamlike and rooted in the rich traditions of La Serenissima.

The view from San Giorgio provides a sweeping panorama that invites viewers to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a city that has always been a crossroads of culture, power, and beauty. This artwork not only celebrates the splendor of Venice but also evokes the magic of a moment when the past and present come together in a dazzling display of Venetian elegance.

Project Details

  • width 48 cm

  • height 58 cm