Incendio Palazzo Ducale 1577

Incendio Palazzo Ducale 1577

This dramatic glass painting captures a pivotal and harrowing moment in Venetian history: the great fire of 1577 that ravaged the Palazzo Ducale. From the vantage point of Piazza San Marco, the viewer is drawn into the chaos as flames engulf the grand halls of the palace, casting a haunting glow across the famous square.

The fire, which began near the Sala dello Scrutinio, is depicted with vivid intensity. Thick smoke billows into the night sky, while the lead roof of the palace begins to melt under the heat, dripping molten metal that further fuels the inferno. The details in the painting reflect the catastrophic impact of the blaze, which led to the collapse of the ceilings of the Sala dello Scrutinio and the Sala del Maggior Consiglio, destroying priceless works by Venetian masters such as Carpaccio, Bellini, and Titian.

Amid the flames, the valiant efforts of the Venetian Arsenale workers are highlighted. Suspended by ropes, these brave men work tirelessly to contain the fire, ultimately crushing it against a load-bearing wall—an act that saved much of the palace from total destruction. The scene also pays tribute to the courage of Doge Sebastiano Venier, who remained in his apartments during the disaster, and Senator Luigi Michiel, who heroically protected the Libreria and the Mint by dousing their roofs with water.

In the foreground, Piazza San Marco is eerily illuminated by the flames, with figures of senators and citizens alike standing guard throughout the night, fearful that the fire might have been started by enemies of the Republic. The distant Basilica di San Marco glows faintly, a beacon of resilience amid the destruction.

This glass painting serves as a powerful homage to one of Venice’s darkest hours, while also commemorating the resilience and determination of the Venetian people. Through its intricate details, the work vividly captures the devastation wrought by the fire, while also reflecting the unity and strength that allowed the city to rise again.

Project Details

  • width 48 cm

  • height 58 cm